Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Housekeeping and Resetting

Yesterday and just now this morning I have been trying to catch up on all the comments I missed responding to, many from back in August when I first announced my return. First of all, I’d like to thank all of you who read, who comment, and who provide support and feedback – it is so helpful to me as I kind of struggle along the path, knowing that I have virtual friends cheering from the sidelines and giving me high fives. (Well, that is what I like to imagine, at least.) I promise that I will be better responding to you, so keep it coming! 

But, I would also like to mention again about spam comments and those that are just like, “Have you tried this weight loss tea? It really helped me,” followed by some sketchy link. I’m just telling you that your efforts are in vain because I don’t buy into any of that and most comments that smack of gimmicky suggestions are promptly deleted. Now, I know that this mention won’t curb those comments from happening, not really, but just in case… it’ll save me a few keystrokes and mouse clicks. Thanks!

Now… let’s talk about resetting. Yes, AGAIN. I am here at this place once more, just a week after I decided to ditch the Whole30 and venture back into the real world where I thought I could just carry on without a hitch. As I have hinted at the past few days, things have not gone well. I’ve returned to eating pretty much crap most of the time. And having at least one drink every evening, just because. I knew that I had to get back to a better routine, but kept putting it off and having “one last treat” until my body sent me a very clear message last night:


After I ate dinner, I could tell that I was in store for some heartburn. I could feel it coming on, so before I went to bed I made sure to squirt some mustard down my throat (cool home remedy that actually works!) and figured I’d be good to go. But, a few hours later I was awake and experiencing some really nasty heartburn and indigestion. I got up, went to the bathroom, and then tried my second home remedy, baking soda dissolved in water. I then laid back down in the guestroom (so I wasn’t disturbing my partner in case I had to get up again) next to the bathroom. I was able to fall back asleep, but it wasn’t a very restful rest of the night. I even had a dream in which I was at a party and explaining to people over and over about how I could only eat certain foods because I was doing Whole30, had they heard of that? My body was telling me in its own way what I needed and my mind followed right along.

You can imagine it was not hard for me to make the decision without hesitation to go back to the kind of eating I was doing on Whole30, and I started right away with breakfast this morning. I’m not super prepared for this right now so I kept it simple – three eggs and some baby carrots. I’m drinking green tea and water now as I sit at my desk at work. I’ll cobble together something easy from the grocery store for lunch, and I have chicken out to thaw for dinner. I already feel more at ease and hopeful, more in control again in just these few hours.

As I mentioned in my post-Whole30 post last week, there are some things that I won’t do, and I am not actually going to do a Whole30 as written. I’m not going to worry about whether something at a restaurant was cooked in non-compliant oil or has sulfites and I will use regular ketchup and mayo, but I am going to stick to eating mostly protein, veggies, fruits, and healthy fats. I’ll throw in a whole grain here and there, or a little bit of dairy. I’ll have butter instead of bothering with ghee (I didn’t like the taste of the kind I have).

Most of all, getting back away from obvious sugary stuff and alcohol and getting back into balanced meal mode. It must be done, most of the time and as much as possible.

So I’d like to send a shoutout to my cool body for telling me quickly what it needs and what it can’t handle. I’m hearing you loud and clear, dude! (Yes, my body is apparently a dude, LOL!) I’ve got your back. Thanks for being open and honest with me. I’ll repay you in kind.


  1. Hi love. I enjoy your blog and totally relate. Thanks for sharing so people like me on my own weight loss/healthy living journey can be inspired by someone real. You're awesome!

    1. Hi Tara, thank you! I am definitely real, I can tell you that. :) A little too real sometimes, maybe!

  2. I have found that for me when I restrict heavily, then go back to trying to be ‘normal’ (case in point my recent two weeks without seeets..and when it was over I dove headfirst into the sweets like there was no tomorrow) that when I do break the restriction that I have no control. If I practice willpower and work to train my mind that sweet treats aren’t the devil and that on OCCASION I can indulge, the importance slowly diminishes...and I am able to do better. Long slow process to get there though!

    Kudos for listening to your body...I mean ‘the dude’!!!

    1. Yeah, so it seems for me, too. It's a real conundrum though, because once I get on the train of avoiding certain foods I feel like it is really good for me. I've never been an advocate of restriction before this, but now I can see the benefits. I just need to figure out how to make it work best for me. You would think after almost 40 years of trying to lose weight I would have the secret by now! Well... I want to be a scientist, right? I'll keep experimenting. Thanks, MaryFran!

  3. What on earth.. it's almost like your post angered the spambots and they all came together to rise up against you. How annoying. Anyway, good on you for making the decision to go back to what felt good. Hope it goes well!

    1. I know, right?! So weird. Thanks for reading and being a real commenter! LOL. I'm still working in fits and starts but I know it'll happen. Or, that I'll make it happen.

  4. Happy Thanksgiving gina! Hope you have a wonderful day.. People are having success losing belly fat with this..

  5. "People are having a great deal of success loosing weight with this."
