Friday, April 8, 2011

Food Fail

Ugh. I neglected to log my food yesterday. Didn't do so hot anyway, plus I ended up drinking a bit (OK, so a lot, which I never do anymore) at the end of the night and eating an entire package of Pim's orange chocolate cookies. Way to go.

I got really lucky on the scale this morning, though, at 308, just .2 above my ending weight of the last diet phase. That's good.

Today, though? I was totally off the rails again. I didn't mean to.... ah, the road is paved with good intentions, isn't it?

I had a fantastic lunch out with three girlfriends at the same fab place I went to with one of them a while back. The food was so, so delicious and the company was equally wonderful. Superlatives abound. I almost got the same thing that I did last time, which would have been a better choice, health-wise, but I indulged both food-wise and money-wise and got the lobster mac & cheese. Good god. I also had the strawberry goat cheese salad. I ate just over half the mac & cheese and also had gelato for dessert.

Maybe not bad if I had stuck to my original plan of not eating much for the rest of the day. Only I picked up a pizza for my partner later and ended up eating too many pieces. I will just leave it at that. Epic food fail today. I just finished off my lunch leftovers, too — I am going away for the weekend and... get this... didn't want it to go to waste. Blegh.

I'm headed up to Potsdam to pick up my paintings and spend the weekend with my dad and stepmom and family friends who live in town. Fortunately, the host is also watching her diet so I don't see it being too terrible, but, well... best intentions and all.

I'll try to stay positive. I'm not losing sight of my goals. They still exist. One day does not obliterate them.

Onward and upward.


  1. Hi. Can I encourage you to make tomorrow special? 24 hours completely according to your plan.

    Give it a go.


  2. Ok so what happened? Was it just a case of wanting to treat yourself? Were you stressed? Happy? Sad? Try to identify what was going on emotionally. See this as a learning opportunity. X
