Monday, December 4, 2017

How to Gain 45 Pounds in Six Months

That's not exactly the kind of headline you'd think people would want to see, right? But that is pretty much what has been going on over here. Basically, I am NOT getting back on track and I am continuing to gain weight.

No, I am not happy about this. I don't mean to seem like I am bragging.

I've been racking my brain almost constantly to figure out how this happened and how I can make it stop. I mean, technically I know the answer to that second question. But for some reason, I just haven't been able to do the things I need to do – regular exercise, eating better and less (I have been the overeating, junk food queen these days).

I'm not even sure what to say here anymore, except that I don't want to let blogging go entirely because that will mean that I have given it all up entirely. At least, that is what it's amounted to in the past. I could write about the same struggle and crappy feelings, but who wants to read serial whining? I guess it doesn't really matter in the end – this is my little space in which I can do whatever I want, and if I need a place to vent about this stuff, then I shouldn't feel bad about it. And it's useful to the extent that it will help me dump my bad feelings and maybe just jiggle something loose again.

So let me tell you: This morning I braved the scale, and it read 327.

I know, right? How did that happen??? Well, for one thing, I gained almost 20 pounds alone in August. Things crept gradually after that, and I kept excusing it or saying things like, "Well, I won't let myself get over 310," or whatever, and then I'd get to 311 and up the limit for myself again. I'm really not sure why I kept doing that, and since then, each month I've added another 7 or 8 pounds. (I just updated my data page, by the way, so you can see the progression.) Basically, I haven't weighed this much in over three years!

The question is, will I find myself at the end of December into the 330s, or will I find myself back below 320? Either is entirely possible – it's kind of like a Choose Your Own Adventure book, right? I much prefer to choose the path to the latter option, of course.

The thing I really hate about gaining this much weight back is that it all seems to land in my stomach. And when you carry weight around your middle, not only is it bad for your health, it's also very uncomfortable and gets in the way of a lot of things. It makes many activities that much more an effort. I'm finding myself winded again doing relatively mild exertions that had become like nothing. Putting on shoes and boots is getting to be more challenging (though not impossible quite yet). I feel bloated and gross, and a lot of my clothes are not wearable anymore or becoming less comfortable.

This is bad, very very bad indeed. I swore that if I was ever buying new clothes, it would not be because I grew out of the ones I had. This is starting to be a possibility and I just cannot do that to myself.

I don't really know how I am going to move forward, to be honest. But, I do know that I have to be especially vigilant from here on out, and at least weigh in every single day – one thing I have been avoiding. Like, if I don't see the number, I don't have to deal with it, right?

Right. Pfft.

I will check in again soon. Thanks for reading, those of you who are!


  1. Maybe you should go back to the beginning of the blog and read about what was working for you then - the habits you had that made weight loss happen. I know that for me it is easy to fall out of those habits and sometimes I just need a reminder of what worked in the past! (Rather than looking for something new). Don’t give up. It isn’t even about getting the weight off - it’s about having healthy habits that make life joyful for you!! There is joy in eating a cookie and there is joy in waking up feeling energized or being able to play tennis without hurting. I am over here cheering you on!

    1. Yes, that is always a good idea. Thank you for your suggestions and reminders! It's always good to hear it from someone else even when you know it for yourself, know what I mean? My priorities have definitely shifted, from wanting the weight off just to have it off to truly wanting to just feel comfortable and have my doctors' approvals – and I did have those things over the summer! Argh.

  2. Same. Or at least similar for me, in my neck of the woods.

    I think we can't and shouldn't feel bad about sharing our setbacks. It's YOUR blog, after all, and gains are just part of the deal with anyone who has lost a significant amount of weight - and I quantify that as, more than 10% of your starting weight. Many (most?) people have never done that, and those that haven't have literally no idea what it is like to deal with a body that can, and does, do that!

    I don't know what to do next, either, though my tummy is also uncomfortably large and I would love love love to regain my mojo. It's embarrassing as a fitness instructor. Ugh. Here's hoping we find the magic again! Or at least keep looking, keep trying, to whatever extent we can muster today.
    (Wendy at

    1. Thanks, Wendy. The setbacks are tough and I think too often weight loss bloggers stop writing when they feel like they've failed. I've done it myself too many times! I guess if I just keep scrutinizing, ruminating, and being reminded, I can and will get back to where I want to be again. I also know that sometimes (most times?) it's truly a matter of having that switch turn on for some unknown reason... that seems to happen a lot with me. When the switch is on, you can't stop me! When it's off, nothing can get me going. Let's keep writing and sharing and encouraging each other. So glad you're out there!

  3. I understand about setbacks! I've gained the past couple of weeks (I'm pretty new with my blog and goals), and I really desire to turn it around! Life is just tough sometimes and I run for comfort (don't have a comforting relationship with the significant other, so food and drink "comfort" me). Sending good vibes your way!

    1. Hi Susan, comfort is definitely a big factor for me. Or that I deserve to eat what I want because something good happened or something bad happened. (Funny but not really.) And I feel like my addiction to sweets is really hitting a record high! It's been relentless lately. Thanks for reading, and I will keep trying! You too! :)

  4. Intermittent fasting specifically One Meal a Day has worked wonders for me, really has pretty much removed all my issues with food. I recommend reading a book called Delay, Don't Deny by Gin Stephens. It's not quick weight loss but it works and you can eat whatever you want, just not whenever you want.

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  5. I'm so glad to see you back on here! I binge read your blog this summer and it was so helpful to follow your journey. This was a rough weekend with way to much Christmas candy and I feel more grounded reading your last couple of posts. Fight the good fight! :-)

  6. Well one of my friend recommended me this diet plan and it works amazingly. I think u should try this

  7. woow ...How to Gain 45 Pounds in Six Months ?

    try this treatment
    how to get rid of arm fat
    how to lose arm fat

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