Friday, May 1, 2009

Did it.

Weight: 336.6

Just about back to the old drawing board (if you've been with me for a while you probably know that I started this whole thing January 2008 at 350 pounds, and got down to just below 300 by the time August rolled around).

But! Despite my transgressions, I've always come back here and never quite totally given up, which is something new and different in my life experience. So I have hope, still. This morning, as promised, I got up early and went for my first walk in exactly one month. I didn't do nearly as well as I did then, and the first 20 minutes my legs protested madly. The last 10 minutes felt more comfortable. If I had had more time, I might have just kept going a while longer, but that was good for the first day out, and tomorrow's Saturday... I might see how long I can go for once the old legs are broken in.

I went pretty slow... to give you an idea, I greeted an elderly, white-haired gent out walking his little white bichon frise who looked quite comfortable at his rather quick clip and put me to shame. Tsk. Then again, I guess just because you're of a certain age doesn't mean you can't still bolt, right? Left in the dust by an little old man and his lap dog, ah well. I had to keep reminding myself to go slow, that I couldn't be expected to be able to do the things I was able to at the height of my fitness last year. Oh, how I want to get there again, and get even better!

My plan is to walk every day for a week, and then start the Couch to 5K plan again. I'm excited about that.

I've also made the decision to not just drink more water, but drink ONLY water (or tea). No more diet soda, not even with dinner. This will be better for me not only physically, but it will save a little money, too. I know C. will probably still drink it, but it'll still cut our soda consumption in half overall.

Aside from that, I am not going to do anything drastic or crazy. I'll just be tracking my food and trying to keep calorie intake at or just above 2000. I'll try really hard to incorporate more veggies and fruits in my diet, and eat less processed foods.

That's it. I've had so many fits and starts the past few months, I'm not sure what to expect and whether this will stick this time. But I sure hope it does, and I have a lot of faith that I will do right by myself. Wish me luck!


  1. You can do it! Good for you, Amy.

  2. I mainly drink tea (British expat!) but I have read info recently which says that white tea has all the benefits of tea, antioxidants etc., but also can help with weight loss by breaking down existing fat and inhibiting the forming of new fat. I am going to try replacing my current tea and see what happens. Just for your info! Other than that I just want to say, go you!

  3. I know you want the scale to go down, down, down, and with this plan, I'll bet it will. Still, the things you're planning to do will, if nothing else, make you feel much better! Kudos to YOU!
