Tuesday, May 26, 2009

HYC Check-In: Good news

Weight: 325.4
Total Weight loss: 11.2 pounds

I'm down a bit this morning, which is what I was hoping for. Last week my goal was to get under 325, and I did, but unfortunately it didn't stick. My goal this week ("official" weigh-in on Friday) is to get under and stay under 325. It's a modest goal, but I think sometimes it is good to do that... give yourself a very attainable and sustainable goal to reach. I still have my birthday goal of 320 to think about. It's two weeks from today, and if I stay very focused I know I can do it. I expect to do it.

1 comment:

  1. You're doing such a great job. Keep up the good work! It's so inspiring to read about your journey.
