Monday, December 29, 2014

2015 Add-ons

This is quite possibly my favorite time of the year – everyone gets a chance to hit "reset". Or simply, "renew" if you're in a good place. I feel the later about where I stand, but I also always know that I can be even better at what I do. With that in mind, here are a few new things I'd like to add on to my repertoire in the new year.

Glug, glug... a gallon jug.

Up my water intake to a gallon a day (16 – 8oz. glasses)
I already drink 10-12 glasses of water each day, so this shouldn't be too difficult. It was a suggestion made my trainer and it sounds good to me. Water's awesome.

Fit in a full hour of intentional activity at least five days a week
This will be the biggest challenge, but probably won't be hard once I figure out my schedule. Currently I've got the five days part down, averaging 30-40 minutes each session. I hope to continue walking on my lunch breaks at work (hopefully the weather will stay relatively mild!), and I can squeeze in walks or trips to the gym before and/or after work as needed. Weekends are never a problem – one hour a day on Saturday and Sunday is generally a given, so all I really need to worry about are three workdays, and usually one of those includes an evening gym workout anyway.

And by the way, cleaning house counts. Absolutely. So do outdoor household chores.

Edited to add: My trainer also suggested taking a quick, 20-minute walk in the morning before breakfast, and then power up with some nice protein. I want to try to make this a habit, too. Not being a very good morning person, it will be my biggest challenge. But it would also be a good way to get closer to my hour each day.

Add on the following activities: swimming, yoga, cycling outdoors
Point one: I need to try on my suits and see if one fits yet, and maybe shave my legs (though I am loath to). Point two: I need to get my bike serviced, which is just a matter of taking it in, and then awaiting suitable weather. Point three: Yoga just requires me to get my butt to a class at my gym. Easy.

This is not to say that I will be perfect. Like everything else I have done to get me where I am so far, it will be a process. But these are the things I'd like to get down pat sooner than later, and they can all sort of dovetail: More varied activities = more activity time = being more thirsty! Neat!

What modifications or additions are you making to your routine in 2015?


  1. Those are great goals!

    This year, I just want to stay consistent with meal planning and exercising. My challenge for January is to cook everything I eat. I've been going strong for almost a month now, so it'll be fun learning new recipes and spending more time in the kitchen.

    Always look forward to reading your posts :)

    1. That sounds great – meal planning is always a challenge for me and too many times we default to takeout. It's something I would like to work on, too!

      Thanks so much for reading! It's nice to know you're out there. :)

  2. For myself, I am hoping to walk 2-3 miles five days per week. Right now I'm consistent with 2-3 days per week, but I know I can up it to five if I stay motivated. I want to walk around a 16 min mile. I average between 16-20 on any given day.

    I also want to learn how to cook for myself. No more cold cuts for dinner half the week. I have very little confidence in my ability to cook food for myself, and I find I am on the phone with my mother every time I try and prepare something new. I think if I eat more balanced meals I will be less likely to stuff my face with bread and processed foods. Also I want to up my yogurt game. I am addicted to Fage Cherry/Pomegrante greek yogurt and I want to eat one per day.

    The water goal you have set for yourself is ambitious and I think I want to try it too!

    Thank you for the continued inspiration Amy!

    1. Ari, all sounds like good ideas, especially the cooking part, which is essential to eating healthier in general. Not to mention, it's fun to know that you can do these things!

      How have you been doing with upping the exercise to the next level?
