Monday, August 13, 2018

Day 2 News

Day 2! Day 2.

Yesterday went well. Today is almost over and it went well, too. Now I just have to do it hundreds of times over, again and again.

But, well, for now... I'm taking it one day at a time. It's the only way to do it.

I am doing the weighing every day thing, and so far, I'm down just a half pound. Honestly, though? It's not really even the priority, which sounds funny, I know. What really matters to me right now is getting back into the habits I need to get back into in order to do this successfully. Yeah – eating reasonable portions, cooking more, drinking less alcohol, eating much less sweet stuff, and easing into a more active life again.

Today I had breakfast (an egg McMuffin, which is pretty much a perfect food, LOL), lunch (a frozen meal I bought with a coupon a couple weeks ago, it was OK and did in a pinch, which is what I was in), and a homemade dinner – a middle-eastern inspired chicken and chickpea stew with brown rice. I drank the last diet soda I have in the house (Fresca, which is AWESOME, by the way). I'm trying to stick to around 1800 cals a day, and right now I'm well under and I'm not sure I'll eat anything else, whatever.

This week my goal is to not eat excess sugar (like, fruit is OK, but no obvious sweets and keeping an eye out on packaged foods labels to avoid it). I want to see what happens. One of my best friends quit sugar a year ago with amazing results – she has so much energy she doesn't know what to do with it all! This is an experiment and we'll see how far I can (or want) to take it.

I started meditating again (I. Am.), and I gave my hair a trim using the unicorn method, which is super easy and really effective for long hair! I am loving it.

Anyway, onward and upward!


  1. Great job on day two!!! Keep working it!!!

  2. I love the way my skin looks when I ditch the obvious sugar and stick to water for hydration. Cocktails are tough for me to give up. I am a margarita girl and they certainly add tons of calories and sugar. Been trying to limit my drinking to once or twice a week instead of every night. It sure makes a difference on the scale. Have a great day! Pam

    1. Ooh, I love margaritas, especially after having driven cross-country into the southwest -- we had to try them everywhere we went! But yeah, cutting out alcohol is not super fun, but I'm all right. It's only 30 days (at least for now).

  3. I haven't had a Fresca in months - and now I need one!

    1. Ha! I LOVE Fresca, but now I am also trying to avoid artificial sweeteners as well, so... :(

  4. Thanks Amy for sharing your struggles so honestly and clearly. It makes us identify with you and your experiences immediately. I struggle with being overweight daily. My main problem is hunger and cravings. I always fall, I admit it. Any advice to handle this? What do you think of options like this?

    1. I'm not going to click on that link, but I will tell you that I am only into eating, like, food. My main issue has always been portion size, and so far Whole30 seems to be helping a lot with that. I say, if you're hungry, then eat. Just try to eat stuff that is going to impact you in a positive way. Cravings? I know, it's hard. I guess, try to pause before indulging and really thinking about what you're about to do. Is it worth it? The more you avoid the foods you're craving, the less you'll crave them.
