Monday, September 26, 2016

Progress On Several Levels

Wow, what a week I had!

I had many small victories, but this is what makes me smile most.

12 miles last week!

As you can see, up until last week my activity level has been pretty spotty this month. Last Monday, I decided that it was time to gear things up again and really put in a good effort. With the encouragement and help of my partner, who is responsible for getting me out for walks several times, I hit a total of 12 miles walking and running! Yesterday was the craziest – we walked for three miles on our first time out  in the late afternoon, and then he wanted to do one more after we went out to dinner. I was so proud of him, and us. 

After a week I am also down about three pounds, to 292.8. (I think I probably weighed more than 295.8 I clocked in last Tuesday, but whatever... that's what I know for sure.)

I am determined to get back into the 280s this coming week, and beyond that, into the 270s by Thanksgiving. Totally doable. 

And what I did I do, faced with another Monday? Why, I went out and got a running mile in before work, of course!

Foggy glasses are proof!

It wasn't my best mile by a long shot, but I did it. Again, I am aiming for 2-3 runs each week, even if only one mile each. I am trying hard to re-establish a solid routine, and I will build from there. 

I think the last time I was so happy to be at 292 and change was back in March 2015, when I first hit it. I tell you what, I will never take the 270s for granted ever again. I think that was part of the problem, to be honest – I kind of got stuck there for a long while and got frustrated, which led to being kind of mad and frustrated and just stopping caring to an extent. That apathy led to gaining 20+ pounds and bringing myself dangerously close to the 300 pound mark again.

Well, NO! I just won't have it. At the very, very least I want to always maintain that 100 pound loss I achieved. Once I get back there, I want to have 272 as my DO NOT CROSS weight – you know, like police tape? Ha ha.

Anyway, I am looking forward to another great week of positive changes. I feel great!

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