Monday, August 3, 2009

Back to "Normal"

Well, I had a weird but mostly fun long weekend. And what do you think? I forgot my scale yet again! Still, I felt like I stayed on track pretty well with the exception of Saturday, when I had two big, not necessarily healthy meals. Lunch actually wasn't so bad. We went to BBQ place in downtown Portsmouth, NH, where I had a chicken sandwich and fries. The sandwich had cheese and bacon on it, but I ended up only eating half the bun and about half the fries, along with two big glasses of ice water with lemon (by choice, really! I was parched!). For dinner we ended up at a diner-type place that had great food, including the huge chili burger and mashed potatoes I had along with some ice cream (a local brand we wanted to sample) for dessert. Friday and Sunday I felt were very good eating days, so I don't feel too badly about the .8 pounds I gained over the weekend. Not too shabby, really.

I'm actually still really, really tired from the trip. I drove and drove and drove each day... 13 hours Friday, about 5 total on Saturday, and 9 on Sunday. I am totally exhausted today but there is no rest for the weary! On Wednesday C.'s sister is arriving for a visit from Tennessee and we have some housework to do... I'm trying to look at it as a good opportunity for some exercise, and at least I had the foresight to clean the kitchen pretty well before we left on the trip.

I am dying to get out of the 310s now. I don't know if I will be able to swing it, but I'd like nothing more than to get below 310 this week. If not that, then my week's goal is to stay in the green on my Physics Diet chart. I have no idea how things will pan out with an out-of-town guest, but I will still do my best to stick with my plan and still see an overall loss on Friday.

Hope all is well with you!

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